Sunday 6 May 2012

2. jinx of the super-moon


Yes, I have been watching re-runs of Grey's Anatomy continuously, but that's not what this is about.

I know why this thing has always been stuck on my desk: (see the picture)

I am still in Mumbai! My ticket didn't go through for the second time. I had a V.I.P quota ticket which didn't go through. See! It's the freakin' Super-moon or whatever!

Or maybe, these are all signs. Omens. Bad omens which are trying to get the better of me. It's got to be that, because everything happens for a reason, right? There are no coincidences.

Last year, the minute I decided to join the GF Programme, I crash-landed into bed for four months with a dislocated vertebra in my lower spinal structure. Just when I thought I'm healed and ready to go, the pain re-activated itself in July. Ridiculous as it may sound, despite the spinal injury (which by the way will remain this way for life) and the fact that life in a village (after 22 years in plush little South Mumbai) required a fit self, I held on to the programme. Reason being, that this organisation is perfect for me right now and so I re-applied when that mentor-ish person in my life asked me to.

Degree-less, non-graduate that I was, I gave the interview a second time and Voila! I got offered more than I'd asked for. (Not the money, hold on)! In stead of five schools, they said  I should handle 5 GF's, and 25 schools, minimum. Thus, I visited Rajasthan earlier this year, to give my Program Leader interview and got selected after three days of intensive grilling.

Guess what? My final, Bachelor of Arts, in Literature in English, graduation level exams got scheduled to begin the same date as the reporting date of work, for my new profile in the organisation. As if this was not enough, the Super-moon had to appear on the day my work was finally scheduled to begin. Argh!

Of course, my parents and non-well-wishers have a reason to celebrate. My parents were thrilled to have an extra day and took me out for a happy-dinner. Just imagine! A happy-dinner to celebrate the canned departure of the girl who'll never get to Rajasthan to save the children there, from bad teachers! Bizarre! Further, my neighbours brought hand-churned, home-made ice-cream for me because they don't want me to leave! Seriously? (The ice-cream was good, if I may add. One was Cinnamon-Chocolate and the other was Almond-something. So much for just sitting at home).

So basically, I love the moon, but I don't think it's playing fair!

Moving on, something else happened this week, and it has affected me. It deserves a post by itself, so I'm ending this post here.

Celebrate! For, I'm still in Mumbai! :)

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