Sunday 6 May 2012

1. a start and a finish.

The Super-moon from my terrace.
So it's time! Finally!

(or rather it was time yesterday, until)...

Beautiful though it is, it's the always the moon. More specifically, it is always the full moon that changes things for me. I clearly remember telling my mother that if I'm supposed to begin my journey on a full moon night, something will go wrong! 
Will you stop rolling your eyes, it's a fact! The moon and I have a complex relationship. And it's no surprise that being the 'Super-moon' night, yesterday was just terrible! Almost lost my not-so-cheap phone (read: gift from dear friend), the elevator stopped working, (there was luggage shifting to do), the Internet had a mood-swing just when I had to check ticket rates and it seriously didn't stop there. 

Anyway, now I'm due to leave Mumbai today by the 7.45pm train to Delhi. Staying at one of my favourite people's places in Delhi. He's the mentor-ish person in my life. Always wanted to walk through Delhi streets and soak in the city's sights. So it's odd that my first visit to the capital will last only 48 hours. On the 9th, I'm taking an overnight train to Udaipur, for the first bunch of formal meetings. FYI: I hate the word 'formal.' And it's followed by the word 'meeting' in its plural form. Feeling the joy? 

Okay, it's not all that bad. I am eager to see how it goes when all of us 'determined' people who wish to 'change the face (sorry, personality) of India' meet to discuss the pros and cons of certain structures in our should-be titled Academic system but wrongly titled 'Education system.' 

In the beginning everyone will probably drop heavy, loaded statements or 'I don't particularly agree' type lines that will form our contexts and then busy ourselves with 'integrated agenda-oriented talk.' But, secretly, we'll all be looking forward to the chai-breaks. Because it is an established fact that well-made adrak ki chai is the key to progress in any meeting. Once the kadak chai has entered our systems, and thawed the ice in our communication, we'll get off the chairs and park ourselves 'informally' on the floor, where the first bits of constructive discussion will take place. For some people, this is the 'judge and categorize the genuine doers or workers from the Fab India* khadi-kurta clad idealists or whatever' stage.

The reason for the the above rambling is my excitement and nervousness. 
With less than three hours to go, I'm in a hurry. The Rubberband planner, Puma shorts, sketch-book, pastels, J.B. sand-tube^ and camera charger among other important things, are all still waiting to be packed!

See you super soon!

*Disclaimer: No offence meant to the people who shop at Fab India. It's jargon for 'people who get the look right, but contribute minimally to the solution,' in my system.
^J.B. sand-tube: Just wait for the next post! :)

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